Category: Story

  • First release / feedback

    The first release of NovaWriter is online. You can find it here. This is still a beta-version. Proces I have tested thefunctionality by using it and fixing the bugs I found while using the application. I have been running the application in Chrome (use http://http://localhost:3031 once the application runs.) Did you find bugs? Use the…

  • ‘Scrivener on steroids’ update: versions, backups and synchronization

    One pain I had was how working on different machines can become a messy affair. Another is backing up work in general. Making backups is always an afterthought. The third is the mess of versioning: “my story – v2019-01-02.docx”, “my story – v2019-01-03.docx”,  “my story – v2019-01-05 – redacted.docx” Autosave and automated versioning I wanted…

  • ‘Scrivener on steroids’ update: mapping my novel

    After finishing a short story on ‘the world after climate change’ I finally picked up work on my novel ‘Shadowlives’. As any novel, there is a lot happening and a lot to be mapped. Normally I would jot down some things somewhere (another Word document, or separate files in Scrivener). Status Currently I am still…

  • Plot summary voor “Luchteilanden”

    Luchteilanden vordert. Het verhaal groeit in diepte. 5 hoofdstukken en 70.000 woorden zijn nu geschreven. Twee hoofdstukken (1 en 4) daarvan zijn dusdanig geredigeerd dat ze naar een uitgever kunnen worden gezonden en het wordt tijd om dit boek verder te gaan pitchen. Hier is de samenvatting.   Opzet “Luchteilanden” wordt gedreven door drie elementen: conflict, actie…

  • Vijfde open brief: verhaal, stijl, lef, jurering en genre

    Dit is voor de schrijvers. De vierde open brief is hier. Inleiding Iets meer dan twee weken ontstond op Facebook een discussie over mijn analyse van “Een aantal consequenties…” Die discussie werd gestart door een blogpost van Jack Schlimazlnik, loopt nog steeds ten tijde van dit schrijven, is inmiddels meer dan 164 reacties lang en…

  • Writing: On the most important question to ask yourself

    Let’s not waste time. I think the most important question to ask yourself as a writer is this: “Why would I care?” “Why would I care about this story?” “Why would I care about this characters?” “Why would I care bout the topic(s)?” “Why would I care about what happens to the characters and the…

  • Exploring: Dutch SFF into the mainstream

    I am preparing things for tomorrow. The main question of the past months was and is: how to get the Dutch SF and Fantasy more in the open? “There is no market” The main thought seems to be :”that there is no market” for Dutch SF and Fantasy. Sales are poor. Interest is minimal. Running…

  • Exploration: About visibility, mainstream, your voice and subcultures

    I consume the works of several unpopular and obscure subcultures. The type of works which are seldom part of mainstream and if and when some works from that subculture become mainstream, these bodies of work are usually inane and watered-down crap and hardly representative for that subculture. Science fiction is one. Heavy metal / death…

  • Story world: Wearable computers

    INTERFACING: SUMMARY Interfacing, in my story world, is done by: Reading muscles — Using simple means that read contraction and bio-electical impulses sent to the muscles Reading the body — Second by reading the body itself: the position of limbs. Sending feedback to the muscles and skin — Using electric pulses. This to simulate touch and “resistance” as…

  • Exploring: Zombies and legitimized mass-murder

    Zombies are still the shit at this moment (2013). And this is one aspect that is specifically interesting about them: The power of dehuminization When you write “the zombie”, you write about people who lost their humanity due to whatever reason, including infection by some virus. The zombie: Is no longer human, but some undead…